Dynamic Reanalysis

Magic Robot’s logic will queue up records for dynamic analysis the “next time Magic Robot runs” based on these conditions:

Campaign MemberCampaign Members created or updated since last job runMagic Robot identifies the Opportunities that could have been affected based on your settings and queues those opportunities up for re-analysis
ContactCreated (or converted from Lead)""
Opportunity Contact RoleCreated, modified""
OpportunityField changes: Amount, Amount Override, Close Date, Currency, StageMagic Robot identifies the Campaigns & Campaign Influence Splits that could have been affected based on the edits and queues those up for re-summarization
CampaignCurrency Field changes""
Exchange RatesExchange rates are created or edited""
OpportunityCreated; Field Changes: Omit from Campaign Influence?, Alternate Account Lookup, Stage (in or out of IsWon), Created Date override, Primary Campaign Source omit?Queues opportunity up for re-analysis

Campaign Influence Split Object


The Campaign Influence Split Data Model

Here’s the data Model for the Campaign Influence Split Object. Note it is the child of Campaign, Contact and Opportunity.  It has a Master-Detail relationship with Campaign and Opportunity and therefore you can use roll-up summary fields to those objects.  Please note, however, when roll-up summary fields are in play, edits to the Campaign Influence Splits will cause edits to their parent which can trigger validation rules and other downstream automation.

Field NameField Definition
Influenced Cash Credit From OppThe cash from the opportunity being split to the campaign.

This is the most important field.
Influence Split %Shows the % of the Opportunity credit the Campaign Influence Split is getting.

Is calculated as 1/Number of Influencing Campaign Influence Splits on the opportunity for that model. Will always be 100% for First, Last and Most Influential models' splits.

The General Model of Influence and the Closers Model of Influence can have values >0% and less than or equal to 100%.
First, Last, Most Influential or GeneralDisplays the model of influence the Campaign Influence Split represents.

"First" = 1st response within the window; "Last" = last response before Opp create; "Most Influential" = Opp's highest number of influence records, "General" = all the influencing responses on an opp with evenly split attribution, multi-touch model. "Closer" = Open opp helped to win by responses.
OpportunityThe opportunity splitting out the cash for this campaign influence split record.

Master-Detail relationship. Therefore attributes from the Opportunity (and its parent Account) can be applied to the Campaign Influence Split record with formula fields. Additionally, you can create custom roll-up summary fields on the Opportunity to summarize the information from the Campaign Influence Split records.
CampaignA lookup to the Campaign record receiving the opportunity's cash for this Campaign Influence Split record.

Master-Detail relationship. Therefore attributes from the Campaign can be applied to the Campaign Influence Split record with formula fields. Additionally, you can create custom roll-up summary fields on the Campaign to summarize the information from the Campaign Influence Split records.
ContactThis is the contact from which the influence split is generated. Lookup relationship. Therefore attributes from the Contact (and its parent Account) can be applied to the campaign influence split record with formula fields.
Campaign Response DateThis is the date the contact responded to the campaign.
Cash Lost Future Close DateA value in this field indicates the cash from the opportunity IsClosed Lost AND the close date is in the future. This is important in determining win rates in the event your Salesforce org keeps the close date in the future (and does not change it to "TODAY()" when reps move the stage to Closed Lost).
Contact Role (from Opp if applicable)This is the role from the Opportunity Contact Role if the Influence Split was derived from Opportunity Contact role, if use of Opportunity Contact Role for influence attribution is enabled.
Contact TitleThe title of the associated Contact at the time of analyzation.
Creation TypeSignifies the settings that created the Campaign Influence Split record. Either the response was from an "Opportunity Contact Role" or from a campaign response from any contact on the account of the opportunity ("Account Response"), or both
Days from Response to Opp CreateThe number of days from the campaign response to Opportunity Create Date. Will be averaged at the Campaign level.
Days from Response to Opp WinThe number of days from the campaign response to Opportunity Close Date if and only if the Opportunity is Closed Won. Will be null / blank if the Opportunity is not Closed Won. Will be averaged at the Campaign level.
Influence Split CreatorWill always output "System Generated". If and only if "System Generated" appears in this field will the record's data be rolled up to the Campaign.
Influence Window SettingThe value represents the window of days setting in the application when this campaign influence split was produced. In the event you change settings over time, this field will display the historic number of days setting used when the associate opportunity was analyzed by the application.
Is Lost and Close Date is in future?Set to 'True' if the Close Date is in the future AND the opportunity IsClosed. This is an important distinction when the application rolls up the win percentages to the parent campaign.
Is Opp Won, Open or Closed?Signifies if the opportunity is won, open or closed. Updated via batch process every 24 hours.
Is this Split the Primary Campaign's?Determines if this split is the same as the opportunity's primary campaign. Outputs "Yes" or "No".
Last Opp Stage, Amt EditThis field filled by Opportunity trigger to indicate the last datetime edit of Stage, Amount or Currency, indicating that it must be cleansed and the rollup to campaigns re-calculated by the batch process.
Number of Opps InfluencedSame calculation as "Influence Split %".

Shows the numeric / decimal value of the Opportunity credit the Campaign Influence Split is getting.

Is calculated as 1/Number of Influencing Campaign Influence Splits on the opportunity for that model. Will always be 100% for First, Last and Most Influential models' splits.

The General Model of Influence and the Closers Model of Influence can have values >0 and less than or equal to 1.
Num Influencing Campaigns on OppNumber of Influencing Campaign Influence Splits on the opportunity for that model.

Stage of OpportunityShows the current stage of the parent Opportunity.
FX: Campaign CurrencyThis is the currency of the campaign to which this split is rolling.
FX: Opportunity CurrencyThis is the currency of the Opportunity from which this split is derived.
FX: Cash (Campaign Dated Values)Converts the value of the opp to the org currency using dated rates then converts to the campaign currency using dated rates. If you observe the value in a different currency, the value against the dated org currency may fluctuate against the live FX
FX: Cash (Opp Dated Values)Converts the value of the opp to the org currency using dated rates then converts to the campaign currency using today's rates, so you can observe the relative value of the opp to the business at the time of sale converted for the observation currency
FX: Cash (Org Currency)Will show the numeric value (i.e. not a currency field) of the split value of the opportunity in the Org Currency, converted by dated rates according to Opportunity Close Date and win status, if applicable
FX: Dated Opp to OrgIndicates, if applicable, the dated exchange rate from the Opportunity Currency to the Org Currency
FX: Live Opp to OrgIndicates, if applicable, the live exchange rate from the Opportunity Currency to the Org Currency (i.e. today's exchange rate, used for open opportunities)
FX: Dated Campaign to OrgIndicates, if applicable, the dated exchange rate from the Opportunity Currency to the Org Currency (as dated by the Opportunity's Close Date)
FX: Live Campaign to OrgIndicates, if applicable, the live exchange rate from the Campaign Currency to the Org Currency (i.e. today's exchange rate, used for open opportunities)
FX: Use Live or Dated Rate?If Dated Exchange Rates are applicable, displays which set of rates should be used based on the opportunity's close date and and won status


Campaign Fields

Campaign Tabbed Layout

DescriptionGeneral Model Field NameFirst Response Model Field NameLast Response Model Field NameClosers Model Field NameMost Influential Model Field Name
Average days from Campaign Response to Opportunity CreateInfluenced: Avg Days: Resp to CreateFirst Resp: Avg Days: Resp to CreateLast Resp: Avg Days: Resp to CreateMost Influential: AvgDays:Resp to Create
Average days from Campaign Response to Opportunity WinInfluenced: Avg Days: Resp to WinFirst Resp: Avg Days: Resp to WinLast Resp: Avg Days: Resp to WinClosers: Avg Days: Resp to WinMost Influential: AvgDays:Resp to Win
Won Deals Only. Average Sales Price of the Opportunities won.Influenced: Avg Sales Price (Wins)First Resp: Avg Sales Price (Wins)Last Resp: Avg Sales Price (Wins)Most Influential: Avg Sales Price (Wins)
Total Opportunity Cash values for Closed Lost Opportunities.Influenced: Lost CashFirst Resp: Lost CashLast Resp: Lost CashMost Influential: Lost Cash
Total Opportunity Cash values for Closed Lost Opportunities with close dates that are greater than today(). To be omitted from win % calculations as future losses should not count until after the close date has passed.Influenced: Lost Cash (Future)First Resp: Lost Cash (Future)Last Resp: Lost Cash (Future)Most Influential: Lost Cash (Future)
Total number of Opportunities influenced by this Campaign with Closed Lost stage.

The General Model of Influence and the Closers Model of influence will output decimals based on the evenly split attribution campaign responses given partial credit for the opportunity.
Influenced: Lost Deals NumFirst Resp: Lost Deals NumLast Resp: Lost Deals NumMost Influential: Lost Deals Num
Total number of Opportunities influenced by this Campaign with Closed Lost stage with a Close Date greater than today().

The General Model of Influence and the Closers Model of influence will output decimals based on the evenly split attribution campaign responses given partial credit for the opportunity.
Influenced: Lost Deals Num (Future)First Resp: Lost Deals Num (Future)Last Resp: Lost Deals Num (Future)Most Influential: Lost DealsNum (Future)
Total Opportunity Cash values for Open Opportunities (i.e. not Closed Won and not Closed Lost)Influenced: Open CashFirst Resp: Open CashLast Resp: Open CashMost Influential: Open Cash
Total number of open Opportunities influenced by this Campaign (i.e. not Closed Won and not Closed Lost)

The General Model of Influence and the Closers Model of influence will output decimals based on the evenly split attribution campaign responses given partial credit for the opportunity.
Influenced: Open Deals NumFirst Resp: Open Deals NumLast Resp: Open Deals NumMost Influential: Open Deals Num
Total Opportunities Number / Total ResponsesInfluenced: Response to Opp %First Resp: Response to Opp %Last Resp: Response to Opp %Closers: Response to Win Conversion %Most Influential: Response to Opp %
If the actual cost is listed as zero or blank, the cash value of the won opportunities will display here.

(Won Cash - Actual Cost ) / Actual Cost
Influenced: ROI (so far...)First Resp: ROI (so far...)Last Resp: ROI (so far...)Closers: ROI (so far...)Most Influential: ROI (so far...)
How much Opportunity cash (i.e. Open+Lost+Won) did each unit of cash spent (Actual Cost field) generate? Because values are normalized across any currency, field outputs as decimal.Influenced: Total Cash / Unit SpentFirst Resp: Total Cash / Unit SpentLast Resp: Total Cash / Unit SpentMost Influential: Total Cash / UnitSpent
The total Opportunity pipeline generated by the campaign. In other words Open Opportunities + Won Opportunities + Lost Opportunities.Influenced: Total Cash GeneratedFirst Resp: Total Cash GeneratedLast Resp: Total Cash GeneratedMost Influential: Total Cash Generated
This is the SUM of days from Response to Opp Create across all the responses. Should be used for aggregate reporting to give weighted averages.Influenced: Total Days: Resp to CreateFirst Resp: Total Days: Resp to CreateLast Resp: Total Days: Resp to CreateMost Influential: TotalDays:ResptoCreate
This is the SUM of days from Response to Opp Win across all the responses. Should be used for aggregate reporting to give weighted averages.Influenced: Total Days: Resp to WinFirst Resp: Total Days: Resp to WinLast Resp: Total Days: Resp to WinClosers: TotalDays:ResptoWinMost Influential: TotalDays:ResptoWin
The number of Total Opportunities influenced by this campaign. In other words Open Opportunities + Won Opportunities + Lost Opportunities.

The General Model of Influence and the Closers Model of influence will output decimals based on the evenly split attribution campaign responses given partial credit for the opportunity.
Influenced: Total Deals NumFirst Resp: Total Deals NumLast Resp: Total Deals NumMost Influential: Total Deals Num
Signifies the number of Won Campaign Influence Splits for aggregate average purposes. Should be used for aggregate reporting to give weighted averages.Influenced: Total Won Splits Num
Win % of Opportunities based on the Cash values of the opportunities. Won Opportunities Cash Value / (Won Opportunities Cash Value + Cash value of Lost Opportunities with a close date less than or equal to today). Because losses with future close dates are common but wins with future close dates are rare)Influenced: Win % (Cash)First Resp: Win % (Cash)Last Resp: Win % (Cash)Most Influential: Win % (Cash)
Win % of Opportunities based on the Number of the opportunities. Won Opportunities Number / (Won Opportunities Number + Number of Lost Opportunities with a close date less than or equal to today). Because losses with future close dates are common but wins with future close dates are rare)Influenced: Win % (Num)First Resp: Win % (Num)Last Resp: Win % (Num)Most Influential: Win % (Num)
Total Opportunity Cash values for Closed Won Opportunities. Maybe the most important field.Influenced: Won CashFirst Resp: Won CashLast Resp: Won CashClosers: Won CashMost Influential: Won Cash
How much Won Opportunity Cash did each unit of cash spent (Actual Cost field) generate? Because values are normalized across any currency, field outputs as decimal.Influenced: Won Cash / Unit SpentFirst Resp: Won Cash / Unit SpentLast Resp: Won Cash / Unit SpentClosers: Won Cash / Unit SpentMost Influential: Won Cash / Unit Spent
The number of Won Opportunities influenced by this campaign.

The General Model of Influence and the Closers Model of influence will output decimals based on the evenly split attribution campaign responses given partial credit for the opportunity.
Influenced: Won Deals NumFirst Resp: Won Deals NumLast Resp: Won Deals NumClosers: Won Deals NumMost Influential: Won Deals Num