How to Exclude Campaigns and Exclude Opportunities

Magic Robot has various record-level overrides you can use in Magic Robot to make sure it reflects the specifics of your data.

It may be beneficial for some organizations to manually or systematically omit from campaign influence analysis some opportunities, campaigns and/or campaign members or contacts.

For example, you may have bookkeeping opportunities, like renewals, which you generally omit from sales and marketing reporting. Or you may have a specific campaign or set of campaigns that you run all the time for clients for something completely unrelated to generating sales (although you could make strong arguments that EVERYTHING is related to generating sales).

You will generally know already in your head right now if you have any of these types of records in your org that you just have to omit.

If you find yourself in this category, check out the override options are listed below.

If you use any of the following overrides, make sure to Reset all Magic Robot Data & run the “Full Enchilada”.  Read here for more details on Resetting and Running the Full Enchilada.

Record-Level Overrides Available:

  • Override Campaign Members so that non-responses can be treated as responses. You can use something like the salesforce dataloader tool to insert the Campaign Members’ Created Date or First Associated Date into the Magic Robot Response Date Override field (and you can use a salesforce workflow to augment new records)
    (Campaign Member field: z_Magic Robot Override Response Date)
  • Omit specific Campaigns from influence analysis by checking a checkbox field on the campaign (you can create a salesforce workflow rule to do this programmatically for you as well)
    (Campaign field: Omit from Campaign Influence?)
  • Omit specific Opportunities from influence analysis by checking a checkbox field on the Opportunity (you can create a salesforce workflow rule to do this programmatically for you as well)
    (Opportunity field: Omit from Campaign Influence?)
  • Omit specific Campaign Members (i.e. types of contacts or accounts) from influence analysis by checking a checkbox field on the Campaign Member record (you can create a salesforce workflow rule to do this programmatically for you as well)
    (Campaign Member field: Omit from Campaign Influence?)
  • If you are using Magic Robot to programmatically set each Opportunity’s Primary Campaign Source field, you can omit specific Opportunities by checking a checkbox field on the Opportunity field (you can create a salesforce workflow rule to do this programmatically for you as well).  Further, if you want to manually override whatever Magic Robot has set, change the Primary Campaign Source field’s value and then check the box on this field.
    (Opportunity field: Omit from Auto-Setting Primary Campaign?)
  • Override the Opportunity’s “Created Date” by filling a different date in the the Magic Robot Create Date Override field. This is helpful in situations where your reps create something like a Stage 0 opportunity for all their accounts or similar. You can use a salesforce workflow rule to programmatically override that date. For example, when the opportunity moves to “Qualifying Stage” you can programmatically fill that date and the system will treat that as though the opportunity was created then
    (Opportunity field: z_Magic Robot Override Opp Create Date)
  • Override the Opportunity’s “Amount” by filling a different value in the the Magic Robot Amount Override field. This is helpful in situations where your organization tracks the “value” of your opportunities with something other than the standard “Amount” field. You can use a salesforce workflow rule to programmatically fill this field.
    (Opportunity field: z_Magic Robot Override Opp Amount)

If you use any of the above overrides, make sure to Reset all Magic Robot Data & run the “Full Enchilada”.  Read here for more details on Resetting and Running the Full Enchilada.